October 2012 – National Event

Thalidomide : 50 Years Later

The Canadian government withdrew Kevadon and Talimol (two different trade names for thalidomide) on March 2nd, 1962. These drugs had been prescribed to pregnant women without the slightest restriction. Therefore, the year 2012 has represented for all of us, both survivors and family members, 50 years of carrying on despite the manifold challenges inflicted on all of us.

On October 19, 20 and 21, 2012, in Ottawa, TVAC’s members, parents, friends and partners have joined us at our National Event. Formal presentations, discussions, workshops and entertainment has led on to make this great gathering another unforgettable moment in the life of our association.. A clear consensus came out of this experience, which is that Canadian thalidomide survivors have an undeniable feeling of belonging that is stronger than ever, within TVAC.

A collective artwork was created at the event, displaying prints and/or signatures of all the members present, in order for them to leave their mark in history.


collective art work