Canadian partners – Advocacy for persons with disabilities
In order to promote the interests of its members and those of the entire community of persons with disabilities throughout Canada, TVAC is a proud member of the following organizations:
In order to promote the interests of its members and those of the entire community of persons with disabilities throughout Canada, TVAC is a proud member of the following organizations:
Council of Canadians with disabilities
CCD is a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an accessible and inclusive Canada. It’s an umbrella organization that gathers provincial and national disability-rights advocacy groups.
Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapées du Québec (COPHAN)
COPHAN is a disability-rights advocacy regroupment which brings together some sixty organizations and regional and national groups of people with disabilities and their relatives throughout Quebec.
The tragedy of thalidomide having started in Europe and spread to other continents, TVAC is also in contact with other organizations at international and national levels throughout the world.
Thalidomide Australia Incorporated
Association founded in March 2008 that supports and informs thalidomide victims living in Australia.
Associaçãio brasileira dos portadores da síndrome da talidomida (ABPST)
Brazilian association of thalidomide victims, founded in 1992.
Bundesverband Contergangeschädigter e. V.
Federal association of Contergan victims, founded in 1963. Contergan is the brand name under which thalidomide was marketed in this country.
Ireland has two organizations representing thalidomide survivors:
Associazione Thalidomidici Italiani ONLUS (TAI ONLUS)
Thalidomide victims association of Italy, founded in 2004.
Organization representing and helping thalidomide victims in Japan. In 2004, the Ishizue Foundation organized an international conference to celebrate its 30th anniversary. TVAC was there.
Asociación de Víctimas de la Talidomida en Espaňa (AVITE)
Thalidomide victims association of Spain, founded in 2004.
Föreningen för de Neurosedynskadade
The Swedish society of thalidomide victims is an organization that represents thalidomide survivors, but also other persons with birth defects resulting from diseases or accidents.
British association of thalidomide victims, founded in 1962. This organization represents thalidomide victims and their families and other caregivers, as well as persons living with similar birth defects.
In addition to being in charge of administrating two funds dedicated to thalidomide Survivors in the UK. the Thalidomide Trust plays a role of information, advocacy and counselling regarding the health and wellbeing of the beneficiaries of these funds. The Thalidomide Trust is also funding a small number of research projects related to the needs of thalidomide Survivors.